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Influence of staff training and development on employee performance in University libraries in Southern Nigeria
This study investigated the influence of staff development and training on employee performance in university libraries in Southern Nigeria. The survey research design was adopted. Six hundred and sixty-five university libraries staff spread across the 38 universities in Southern Nigeria participated in the study. Questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. Findings from the study revealed a high level of employee performance, a high extent of staff training and development and a positive relationship between staff training and development and employee performance in university libraries in Southern Nigeria. Findings revealed significant combined influence of staff training and development indicators (on-the-job training, off-thejob training and career development) on employee performance in university libraries in Southern Nigeria. On-the-job training and career development were found to be the only indicators that have significant influence on employee performance in university libraries in Southern Nigeria. The study recommended that university library
management should deploy means to further increase employee performance by providing good condition of service such as regular promotion, salary equality and increment, sponsoring of training and career opportunities as well as encourage employee by putting in policies that gives room for sponsorship of staff training for career advancement.
Keywords: Employee performance, Staff training and development, University libraries, Southern Nigeria