The paper examined library services availability in support of the national policy on education in Minna, Nigeria. The research design was survey. The researcher designed a self-constructed questionnaire tagged library. services to children questionnaire (LSTCQ) which after thorough validation were distributed to nurse ry and p rimary schools in Minna. The information that were got from the distributed copies of the questionnaire were presented and analyzed. The result of the research indicated the following among others: that provision of libraries in nursery/primary schools in Minna is at very low ebb. Also, children resources are seriously neglected in Minna metropolis, especially in Minna east while that of Bosso is a bit fair. The researcher recommended the following among others: that the government at all levels should henceforth make the provision of library a pre-condition for the establishment of nursery and primary schools by various proprietors. Moreover, as a way of enforcing "the national policy on education on the establishment of library in nursery and primary schools, the government at all levels should give an ultimatum of probably between two to three years for both public and private schools without libraries to either get libraries or be closed down