This study examined the extent of ICT application and utilization for distance and open learning education at the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). The descriptive survey research method was adopted for the study while questionnaire was adopted as major instrument of data collection. A total of 113 copie/s of questionnaire were administered out of which 87 copies were returned with useful responses. The findings revealed radio, computers, televisions, video cassettes/ VCDs and audio cassettes/ CDs as the most commonly a vailable ICT facilities at NOUN while Telephone, photocopier and computers are the most utilized lCT facilities [or the open and distance learning bli NOUN staff The findings further revealed the areas of lCT application at NOUN to include online app lication for admission, online registration, administrative functions, online submission of results and digitizatioll of student's record. Most of the facilitators at NOUN are not competent in the use of ICT facilities while constraints such as poor power supply, lack of adequate skilled staff, lack of fund, high cost of maintaining ICT facilities and high cost of purchasing ICT facilities inhibit effective application and utilization of ICT facilities for the open and distance learning at NOUN.
It is recommended that adequate infrastructure to support ICTs application in Open and distance learning at NOUN should be made available while the facilitators and other NOUN staff should be trained in the use of ICTs.