About the Journal
Sponsoring Organizations
TETFUND, Nigeria
Nigerian School Library Association
Peer Review
The reviewer is requested to evaluate each manuscript on the basis of its content as well as its relevance to library and information science including school media. On initial receipt of articles, the Editor-in Chief reads through each article to establish a prima facie quality of the article and relevance to field of specialisation for publication in the NSLJ. The Editor-in Chief sends articles adjudged suitable to two members of the editorial board to assess. The assessment of the editors on return is considered for suitability for publication. If further revision is suggested the article is returned to author to effect necessary changes. The Editor-in-Chief goes through the article on resubmission again to ensure that it is in line with the reviewers’ comments’ and authors’ guideline. The article is then accepted for publishing. We adopt a blind peer review strategy and the review of articles usually takes an average of 3months with the cooperation of the authors. We adopt the process of encouraging authors to improve on their article and thereby help in developing their writing and research skills. Unless an article is not relevant to the field of school librarianship, the Editor-in-Chief encourages authors to improve on articles until it is found suitable for publication.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0] - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-inc-nd/4.0
Focus and Scope
The Nigerian School Library Journal is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.
Peer Review Process
The reviewer is requested to evaluate each manuscript on the basis of its content as well as its relevance to library and information science including school media. On initial receipt of articles, the Editor-in Chief reads through each article to establish a prima facie quality of the article and relevance to field of specialisation for publication in the NSLJ. The Editor-in Chief sends articles adjudged suitable to two members of the editorial board to assess. The assessment of the editors on return is considered for suitability for publication. If further revision is suggested the article is returned to author to effect necessary changes. The Editor-in-Chief goes through the article on resubmission again to ensure that it is in line with the reviewers’ comments’ and authors’ guideline. The article is then accepted for publishing. We adopt a blind peer review strategy and the review of articles usually takes an average of 3months with the cooperation of the authors. We adopt the process of encouraging authors to improve on their article and thereby help in developing their writing and research skills. Unless an article is not relevant to the field of school librarianship, the Editor-in-Chief encourages authors to improve on articles until it is found suitable for publication.
TETFUND, Nigeria
Nigerian School Library Association