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Prevalence and causes of low vision in Kosofe Local Government, south western Nigeria
Background: Low vision is a very important area in Ophthalmology, however, some Ophthalmologists and eye health practitioners are not paying enogh attention to this area of ophthalmic practice. Hence, this determination of prevalence and causes of Low Vision in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos, South Western Nigeria.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and pattern of Low Vision in Kosofe Local Government in Nigerians over 16 years of age with a view to increase awareness of low vision and to provide data to facilitate the establishment of low vision services in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study where eligible subjects filled structured interviewer administered questionnaires, after which they underwent full ophthalmological examination including visual acuity and full refraction. Low vision was defined as best corrected visual acuity equal to/worse than 6/18 to light perception in the better eye. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17 and a p value <0.05 considered statistically significant.
Results: Of the three hundred subjects examined, the female : male was 1.3:1 with the age range of 16 and 74years.Low vision was found in 31 (10.3%) Subjects. Cataract was the leading cause of low vision in 14 (45.16%) respondents, followed by glaucoma 8 (25.8%) and refractive errors 3 (9.68%). There was a statistically significant association between low vision and these risk factors -advanced age, low educational level, poor income and past ocular trauma (p<0.05), with ocular trauma having the strongest association with low vision.
Conclusion: Low vision is prevalent in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State and the main causes are avoidable. There is a need for enlightenment to reduce the burden of low vision.
Keywords: Low Vision; Prevalence; Causes; Lagos; South Western Nigeria