Any woman of reproductive age may need Emergency Contraception (EC) at some point to avoid an unintended pregnancy. The aim of this study is to determine the awareness and utilization of EC among female undergraduate students of the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 450 randomly selected full time female undergraduate students. The tool for data collection was a semi-structured self administered questionnaire. The mean age of the respondents was 22.2 ± 2.9 years with majority (88.0%) of them being single. Majority 276 (61.3%) of the respondents were sexually active out of which 213 (77.2%) had engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse and 110 (39.9%) had had an unintended pregnancy. Three hundred and seventy one (82.4%) respondents were aware of EC and their main source of information about EC was from friends (27.4%). Only 122 (32.9%) respondents had correct knowledge of EC while 45 (12.1%) had used it. Various incorrect methods/forms of EC were used by respondents to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Although, the awareness of EC among female undergraduates was high, correct knowledge and utilization by the students was low. There is therefore an urgent need to educate adolescents and young people in the university about EC especially in the area of correct methods available for them. The establishment of Reproductive Health Clubs and Adolescentfriendly health services where students can seek health information especially in reproductive health should be encouraged in the university.