The profile of congenital malformations seen in Sagamu, Southwestern Nigeria during a period of eight years is described. The result of this retrospective cross sectional study showed an incidence of congenital malformation of 10.7 per 1000 live births. Low order of parity (1 and 2) was mostly affected (65.8%), and 80.0% of mothers were aged between 20 and 34 years. Gastro intestinal malformations were the commonest (38.4%). In the largest number of cases (95.8%), diagnosis was made in the postnatal period, with the most frequent method of diagnosis being by clinical examination (93.6%). The male female ratio was 1.5: 1.0. Down's syndrome was usually associated with multiple malformations. The study identifies the need for early and skilled ultrasound evaluation of pregnant women, particularly those with risk factors and the need for good record keeping in all institutions with delivery facilities.
Keywords: congenital malformations (CM), Sagamu, Nigeria
Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 49(4) 2006: 65-67