The study was undertaken to review the trend of traumatic hyphaema in Nigeria. The medical records of all patients with hyphaema following blunt non-penetrating trauma to the eye who presented to Federal Medical Centre Abakaliki Nigeria over a 3-year period (January 2001-December 2003) were reviewed. Fifteen patients presented during the study period. There were 11 males and 4 females giving a male / female ratio 2.75:1. Almost three-quarters (73.3%) of the patients were aged 20 years or less. Sticks (66.7%) were the commonest missiles inflicting the injury. Three patients (20%) had grade 3 hyphaema, while 6 patients (40%) had grade 4. Only 20% of the patients had visual acuity of 6/18 or better post treatment. No patients presented to the hospital within 24hours of injury. The complications included rebleed and corneal blood staining (6.7%) each and late secondary glaucoma (13.3%). In conclusion, this study shows that, there has not been significant change in the general pattern of traumatic hyphaema in the country after over 20 years.
Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 49(1&2) 2006: 7-9