MJ Saka
Department of Epidemiology & Community Health, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
SA Kuranga
Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
A Abegunde
Department Physiotherapy, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Disability is still a major health problem. It is a growing concern globally considering such consequences of handicapping condition. The cost associated with rehabilitative services is often high, and sometimes when compared with other types of health care services, seems too expensive. A study was carried out to examine the various dimensions of problems of physically challenged persons and to make appropriate recommendation for inclusion to put in place in the National Health Policy reform. The cross-sectional study was done using a random sample of 240 disabled persons at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital and Sobi Specialist Hospital Ilorin, using both self-administered and interviewer administered questionnaires. The study also included sessions for observational and in-depth interview. The result of the study revealed that majority of the disabled persons in the study were males (83.33%) with mean age of 32.16 ±. 2.5 years. Half of the respondents were civil servants (50%). Trauma was found to be the major cause of disability (80%). The minimal cost of treatment per person was #40, 000.00. The major problem encountered by the subjects was lack of funds to cater for health care. It was concluded that there is an urgent need to make provision for better services for the disables, and subsidizing their treatment cost. Finally government should make special provision on for physical therapy and rehabilitation in the National Health Policy reform.
Keywords: disability, cost of rehabilitative care, national health policy reform
Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 48(3) 2005: 84-87