This study assessed young peoples perspective of reproductive health services in three levels of care in Nnewi, Nigeria. Exit interviews were held with 500 randomly selected young people attending three health facilities one at each level of health care in Nnewi North Local Government. The young people attending the tertiary health facility were more educated than those attending the lower levels of care. Most of the young people were satisfied with the quality of services provided. Over eighty percent of the young people felt that confidentiality and privacy were assured. A similar proportion felt that the opening hours were convenient. However, there were significant variations in perceptions of cost of care and waiting time. While a large percent of those attending tertiary facility felt the cost was acceptable, those attending the primary facility perceived cost of service to be expensive. Conversely 60% in tertiary levels considered waiting time long while those at primary level felt waiting time was acceptable. The studied health facilities were youth friendly and could be easily scaled up for improved youth friendly services.
Key words: Young people\'s, Perspectives, Reproductive Health Services
Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol.47(4) 2005: 69-73