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The Socio-Demographic Characteristics and the Level of Awareness of the Prevention of Carcinoma of the Cervix Among Commercial Sex Workers in Lagos, Nigeria
The aim of the study was to identify the sociodemographic characteristics of commercial sex workers in Ayilara,a low income semi-urban area of Lagos state, Nigeria.
All commercial sex workers(CSW) located in the area were interviewed within a six month period.105 respondents voluntarily accepted to participate in the study.
Data was collected using Pimps and Landlords of the CSWs. Data was analysed usong EPI-INFO version 6.4.
The result showed that 3 in every 5 of the CSW were single, while one in every five were separated. Seventy point five percent (74) had an average of 1 – 3 sexual partners per day. Majority of the respondents had previous history of sexually transmitted infection (83.7%).
There was a positive statistical association between the consumption of alcohol and smoking as all the respondents who smoke, consume alcohol.
The mean age at first sexual initiation was 12.7 years. Only 37.3% (38) of the respondents had ever had of cancer of the cervix and 2.9% (3) had ever had pap smear done.
The main source of awareness about cancer of the cervix was through radio / Television.
It is recommended that there is a need for awareness campaign targeted at commercial sex workers on their risk of cancer of the cervix.
Nigerian Medical Practitioner Vol. 45 No 4, 2004.(52-56)