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Review of Current Concept in the Management of Pressure Ulcers
Pressure ulcers are quite distressing, and they cut across all age groups. Aside from increasing mortality, it results in protracted hospital stay and an upsurge in the consumption of healthcare resources
Pressure ulcers are considered to be essentially preventable, but in order to prevent them it is important to identify the people most at risk and deliver timely preventative care. In case of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), as in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affected patients, prone position and invasive ventilation improve the clinical status of this group of patients. This form of therapy is associated with an increased risk of facial pressure ulcers. When pressure ulcer occurs, appropriate documentation of each ulcer and staging of the ulcer are essential for good wound assessment.Treatment involves, assessing the nutritional needs of the patient, management of infections, removal of necrotic tissue, maintenance of a moist environment for wound healing, and possibly surgery.
Keywords: Pressure Ulcer, Pressure Injury, Wound Dressings, Debridement, Nutrition.