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The role of medical and dental consultants’ association of Nigeria (MDCAN) in enhancing competency of graduating medical students and preventing disruptions in academic calendars in Nigeria: A review.

Uche R Ojinmah
Ofem E Enang
Nkiru P Onodugo
Iroro E Yarhere
Melanie N Nwabueze
Chinechelum N Anyanechi
Aburu N Araga


In Nigeria, the medical education system faces challenges ranging from inadequate infrastructure to a lack of
qualified personnel. These challenges not only affect the competency of graduating medical students but also lead
to disruptions in academic calendars. The role of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria
(MDCAN) in addressing these issues is crucial. This review examines the impact of MDCAN in enhancing the
competency of graduating medical students and preventing disruptions in academic calendars in Nigeria. It
discusses the importance of maintaining academic continuity and explores the reasons why disruptions in academic
calendars are not viable options for pressuring the government to improve doctors' and lecturers' welfare packages.
Through an analysis of relevant literature, this review underscores the significance of collaboration between
stakeholders to ensure the quality of medical education and the smooth functioning of academic institutions in
Nigeria. Ultimately, this paper proffers some solutions to mitigate the negative effects of strikes and improve the
quality of undergraduate medical education.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2229-774X
print ISSN: 0300-1652