This study investigated the Nigerian undergraduate students’ readiness for e-learning. Two hypotheses were evolved to give direction to this study. The study was a pilot study and the University of Lagos was purposively selected. It was targeted at undergraduate students of the University of Lagos. A simple random sampling method was used in selecting the faculties and in administering the questionnaire. Respondents were drawn from the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Education, Law and Business Administration. Items in the questionnaire included closed and open-ended questions that sought information on students’ study habits, possession of personal technologies, location where they have internet access on campus, lifestyle attitude towards learning, any e-learning experience and if they ever attended any seminar or workshop on e-learning. The use of questionnaire was complemented with observation method to see how the students faired on their use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) mainly at the University Library. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using descriptive statistics and significance was tested using student t-test with alpha set at 0.05 significant levels. The study showed that students are ready for e- learning, and have the right learning attitude. The study also revealed that about half of the students have laptop as one of the personal technologies for e learning. Significant relationship exists between e- learning readiness and prior exposure to e learning by undergraduate students. No significant difference exists between Students’ lifestyle attitude to learning whether they have any prior e- learning experience or not. Based on this finding, a case was made for active collaboration locally and internationally to develop and implement e- learning initiatives in Nigerian higher institutions for both regular and distance learning students
Keywords: E- learning, readiness assessment, ICT
Nigerian Journal of Technological Research