Plantain stem was pre-treated with 1N and 5N Ca(OH)2 for 10,20 and 30mins and there-after, hydrolysed with cellulase from the haemolyph of giant African Snail (Achatina marginata). The enzyme (5.1x10-3± 2.0mg/g/sec) was used to hydrolyse the plantain stem biomass at 30, 40 and 500C for 30, 60, 120 and 180mins. The result showed that, 1N Ca(OH)2 at 30mins pre-treatment yielded the highest glucose level from 63±0.02mg/g (untreated) to 197±0.01mg/g (pre-treated). Hydrolysis with Snail Cellulase increased the glucose yield to 355±0.22mg/g after 180mins at 300C. Ethanol yield after 72hours of fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisae was 0.85 g/g of the total sugar. The work concludes that , 1N Ca(OH)2 @ 30mins pre-treatment would be a good pre-treatment option , Snail Cellulase a potent hydrolytic enzyme and Plantain Stem a cheap and alternative means for the production of bioethanol.
Keywords: Optimization, Plantain Stem biomass, Snail Cellulase, Bioethanol, Lignocellulose
Nigerian Journal of Technological Research