1. Contributions to The Nigerian Journal of Technological Research are invited on the subject areas relevant to Pure and Applied Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, Management and Entrepreneurship Sciences. Acceptance of paper for publication in The Journal implies that it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Both full paper and short communications are accepted.
2. The following pattern should be followed when preparing a manuscript (MS) for this journal;
a. Full paper.
  • Title of paper
  • Name(s) of author(s) and address(es)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgement
  • References.
In some instances results and discussion may be combined where clear separation makes it difficult but it will be most desirable to have them separated. As an emphasis, the title of the paper, name(s) of author(s) and the running head should occupy the first page of the MS.
b. Short Communication.
This should contain;
i. Title of paper
ii. Name(s) of author(s) and address(es)
iii. The body of the article
iv. Acknowledgement
v. References.
Permission to submit a review article or paper may be sought form The Editor - in - Chief as the need arises. The running title must not exceed 40 letters, type written in capital letters to follow immediately after the author(s) address(s).
3. All MS should be typed on A4 size paper (20x25cm) double–spaced and may not be more than 20 pages. Adequate space must be left at the top of page (2.5cm), bottom (1.5cm), left side (2cm) and right side (2.5cm). This is purely for the referees use. Three copies should be submitted to The Editor for review. MS should be written in clear English while it is desirable that the abstract may be presented also in French.
4. Tables should be typed on separate sheet and be given Arabic numbers. They must be accompanied by adequate headings and legends. Their appropriate position in the text should be indicated by a note in the margin. As much as possible, data should be concisely presented. Only the treatment titles within the table need be underlined. Avoid horizontal and vertical lines within the tables.
5. Diagrams and photographs should be clearly furnished and preferably as glossy prints. The legends should be typed on separate sheet of paper accompanying the photograph and diagrams.
6. In citing references, the first letter of all author’s name must be in capital and the surnames must be followed by the initials in all cases irrespective of the number of authors. These should be followed by the year, title of the article referred to, the journal containing it, volume and the first and last pages in that order.
7. The journal will not be responsible for loss of manuscript at any times. All statements published in any manuscript are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
8. The journal will be published twice in one volume with two issues in a year.
9. In line with the development in ICT, electronic versions for all MS will be required alongside hard copies of such during submission. Such electronic copy must follow the format of Microsoft windows 2007.
10. Subscription and Advertisement rates can be obtained from the Office of The Editor-in-Chief when such is in use.
11. Subscription for this special edition is as follows; Students - 500.00naira; Members of Staff-1,000.00naira; Institutions and Corporate bodies - 1,500.00naira.
12. All foreign subscriptions will be at $50.00only. Interested person can contact the journal office at The Federal University of Technology, Minna, Bosso Campus for process of payment.
13. In line with regular review of journal policies, the above subscription rates will continue to be used and reviewed from time to time to ensure continued production. All correspondence should be addressed to The Editor-in-Chief, Nigerian Journal of Technological Research, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
SPECIAL NOTE: Authors should please note the following;
a. The Editorial Board will prefer direct communications by authors instead of a third party process. This has a lot of implications if adhered to strictly.
b. The Editorial Board will wish that authors imbibe the ICT culture in its communication since this is now a worldwide phenomenon.
c. Authors are further encouraged to adhere strictly to the notes to authors since they serve as basic instructions which will help manuscript preparation.
Consequently, authors who are found by the desk editorial not conforming to instructions may have their manuscript rejected from the desk.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0795-5111
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