This study was undertaken to evaluate the pattern and management outcome of blunt abdominal trauma in order to proffers solutions for its prevention and improved outcome. There were 55 cases of blunt abdominal trauma. The male: female ratio was 2.9:1 except in the first decade of the life with equal ratio. The age range was 3-52yrs with a mean of 16.9yrs. Road traffic accident involving mainly commercial buses and motorcycles 46(83.7%) was the leading cause of blunt trauma and the spleen 49 (89.2%) the commonly injured organ. Multiple organ injuries occurred in 3(5.4%) patients and associated extra abdominal injuries occurred in 7(12.7%). There was no hospital mortality. Health education and public awareness campaign targeting risk factors, such as poor road construction and maintenance, failure to separate automobile from pedestrian traffic, reckless driving and less use of motorcycles would minimize the incidence.
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences Vol.16(1) 2006: 12-15