A total of 120 patients aged 4-80 years with open tibia fractures were studied. Majority were Gustilo and Anderson type II, 39.2% and type I, 30.8%. The treatment modality was above knee cast in 74.2% and external fixator in 25.8%. Gram negative organisms were the most common isolates in 39.1% of wound infection and delayed union were the most commonly observed complications. All the patients had passive anti-tetanus immunoprophylaxis and active immunization was commenced. “Correlation existed between wound infection and (i) Gustilo and Anderson grading (F -0.352, P0.001); (ii) Injury to Debridement time (F -0.304, P 0.004); (iii) Osteomyelitis (F 0.397, P 0.001); and (iv) Delayed union (F 0.353, P 0.017); and (v) Union time (F -0.350, P 0.011). Also between; (i) Injury to Debridement time and the distance from the accident scene to the hospital (F 0.464, P 0.001); (ii) The fracture pattern and the union time (F 0.353, P 0.001); and (iii) The presence of osteomyelitis and delayed union (F.382, P.001). Road traffic injuries remained the commonest etiological agents.
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences Vol.16(1) 2006: 1-6