The influence of maize (zea mays L.) cultivars and levels of NPK (15–15–15) fertilizer application was studied for two years at the Experimental Farm of the University of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State in the rainforest zone of South Western Nigeria. Commercial NPK (15–15–15) fertilizer was applied at 0, 250, 500 and 750kg/ha to DMRESR–Y, SUWAN–Y and DMRLSR–Y maize cultivars. Results showed that growth parameters and grain yield of maize were significantly influenced by maize cultivars and levels of NPK fertilizer. Height and growth of DMRLSR–Y were either superior or similar to that of SUWAN while DMRESR–Y gave least values of these parameters. Leaf area production and grain yield were highest in DMRLSR–Y followed by SUWAN and lowest in DMRESR–Y. Maize height, stem girth, leaf area production and grain yield of maize also increased with the increasing rates of NPK fertilizer.