Contributions are invited from all parts of the world in any field of Soil Science and should be original works which have not been published accepted or submitted for publication in any other journal. Manuscripts should be written and typeset (in MS word) in English, typed in quarto-size papers, double spaced and with wide margins. Three copies, the original and two carbon copies should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. In addition diskette of accepted paper in MS Word will be required. The major headings to use when preparing the manuscript should be Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, (or Results and Discussion) and Acknowledgements, if any. Abstracts should be fully intelligible without reference to the body of text and should not exceed 300 words. Sub-headings should be in italic. Title headings and sub-headings should be concise and should be typed in small letters. Titles should be followed by names(s) of author(s) and institutes. Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and titles in small letters. Vertical lines should be avoided and horizontal lines kept to a minimum. All lettering on diagrams and figures must be of good quality. Insert tables and figures at appropriate places in text. Reference: should be arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ names at the end of the paper. Each should be given in the following form: author’s name, year of publication, title of paper, title of journal in full, volume number, first and last pages e.g. Braimah, A. K. 2000. Land evaluation for sorghum. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science 12, 4-11. Kilmer V. J. 1990: Handbook of soils and climate in Agriculture, CRC Press, Boca Raton. In the text, reference should be given by the name of the author followed by the year of publication in brackets. The letters, a, b, etc should be used to distinguish between papers published by the some author in a single year. Authors are advised to consult 2005 issue of Nigerian Journal of Soil Science. As a result of high cost of printing, part of the cost of publications of articles is borne by contributors.

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