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A clinicopathological study of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans in Maiduguri, Northeastern Nigeria
Materails and method. A Clinicopathologic study of 36 cases of histologically diagnosed Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in University Maiduguri Teaching Hospital was carried out.DFSP constitutes 3.05% of all cases of all cancers and 10.2 % of all skin cancers. The peak age incidence was the 4th and 6th decades with a median age 37.6 years. The males to female ratio was 2:1. The commonest site was the trunk 17(48.8%), followed by the lower limbs 8 (22.9%); upper limbs 6(17.1%); head and neck 3(8.6%) and buttock 1(2.9%) were not frequently affected..
Conclsusion: DFSP is a common lesion in our environment that warrants proper clinical assessment, and histological characterisation.