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Pyomyositis in north - eastern Nigeria: a 10-year review
Methods: A retrospective study of all patients seen and treated for pyomyositis in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital from April 1990 to April 2000 was undertaken.
Results: Fifty four patients with pyomyositis were seen and managed comprising 36 Males and 18 Females (M: F ratio 2:1). Two peak age incidences of 6-10 years and 31-40 years were noted. Most were from a labouring population and presented with a fully evolved disease affecting the large and powerful muscles of the thigh and calf in 59.7% of cases, the glutei in 12.9% and the trunk in 9.7%. The smaller muscles of the arm and forearm and head and neck were rarely affected. 8 patients had multiple lesions. Staphylococcus aureus was cultured in 91.8% of cases sensitive to cloxacillin, augmentin, chloramphenicol and erythromycin in that order.
Conclusion: Prompt diagnosis, appropriate supportive therapy, effective antibiotic therapy and early drainage of abscesses have resulted in minimal mortality despite late presentation although hospital stay was prolonged.