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Otic foreign bodies in children in Ibadan, Nigeria
Methods: A 5-year prospective study of 101 patients that presented with features of otic foreign bodies in the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria between January 1998 and December 2002 was done. The diagnosis of otic foreign bodies in each subject was based on history and clinical findings at otoscopy.
Results: There were 58(57.4%) males and 43(42.6%) females with M:F of 1.3 :1 and with an average age of 6years. The duration of symptoms ranged from 4hours to 4years with 55(54.5%) presenting within 24hours of insertion. There were 2(2%) cases that presented very late, 6months and 4years respectively after insertion. The common otic foreign bodies were seeds19(18.8%), beads18(17.8%), stones15(14.9%), and paper pieces 8(7.9%).The objects were found in the left ear in 51(50.5%) cases, right ear 48(47.5%),and in both ears in 2(2%)cases. 91(90.1%) of the cases were successfully treated by forceps extractions47(51.6%), syringing26(28.6%), extraction under general anaesthesia17(18.7%), and suction extractions 1(1.1%). The complications caused by the otic foreign bodies itself were otitis externa8 (7.9%), tympanic membrane perforation5 (5%), external auditory canal laceration4 (4%) and chronic otitis media 1(1%). No complications were associated with the extraction of the foreign bodies in this study.
Conclusion: In conclusion younger children are the at risk group to habour otic foreign bodies. Proper instrumentation with adequate immobilization allows removal of many otic foreign bodies in the paediatric populations without complications in the hands of specialized personnel.
Keywords: foreign bodies, ears, children
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 7(3&4) 2005: 305-308