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Palliation for transposition of great arteries
Method: Patients with the diagnosis of TGA were evaluated for morphological type. The choice of palliative procedure was made in some of the patients with morphological type in mind. No fixed criteria were used for allocating patients to Blalock-Hanlon (B-H), atrial septectomy while pulmonary banding (PB) and Blalock-Taussig (B-T) shunt have definite indications.
Results: Fourteen consecutive patients with TGA were palliated. The ages of these patients ranged between 3 to 11 months (6.8 ± 2.4 months), there were 8 males to 6 females (1.3:1). Six patients had B-H atrial septectomy and 2(33.3%) died within 48 hours, 4 patients had B-T shunt and there were no mortality, 4 patients had PB and 2 (50.0%) died within 72 hours. The overall operative mortality was 28.6%. All the 10 survivors had improvement of their clinical features and fall in packed cell volume during the period of follow-up, which lasted 5 to 13 months (mean 9.3 ± 1.2 months). All patients had delayed wound healing.
Conclusion: Appropriate and timely palliative surgery has a place in patients with TGA as an interim care.
Key Words: Palliative surgery, transposition, great arteries
Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Vol.5(1&2) 2003: 129-133