These information and guidelines are in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals” (N Engl J Med 1997:336:309-315). The NJSR publishes articles in the broad field of surgery and related sciences under the following sections; • Editorial comments • Original articles • Review articles • Short reports • Case reports • Surgical techniques • Innovations • Grand rounds • Continuing education • Letters to the editor • Book reviews • Reports of clinical meetings or conferences. Articles are published with the understanding that they have not been previously published or simultaneously submitted to another journal for consideration for publication. The authors also accept to transfer the copyright of accepted and published articles to the Surgical Sciences Research Society, Zaria. A letter signed by all authors confirming this fact must accompany each article. Authors should submit the original manuscript along with two clear copies and three copies of all tables and illustrations to: Hyacinth N Mbibu, Bsc FWACS Editor-in-Chief The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research P. O. Box 76 Zaria, 810001 Nigeria. Peer Review Process All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are sent to two independent experts in that field for review. Manuscripts with significant statistical component will be reviewed by a statistician in addition to above peer review. The comments of the reviewers will be communicated to the authors, even if the paper is rejected. Communication of the reviewers’ comments to authors is for their information, and the journal is unable to enter into further correspondence regarding such papers. All efforts will be made to keep the duration of review as short as possible and editorial decisions will, as much as possible be communicated to authors within 4 months of receipt of their manuscripts. Authors are advised to keep copies of all materials submitted to the Journal. Manuscripts • Manuscripts must be typed in double line spacing on A4, heavy bond paper, with a 4cm margin on the left side. The right hand margin should not be justified. • Manuscripts should be clearly divided into the following sections with each section beginning on a new page. Title page: This should bear the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), the place where the work was carried out and the address of the corresponding author, including e-mail address and fax numbers where available. Abstract: This should not be more than 300 words and should be structured, consisting of four paragraphs labelled; The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Volume 5 Number 3 – 4, July – December 2003 234 235 Information for authors Background, Methods, Results and conclusion . The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Volume 5 Number 3 – 4, July – December 2003 Information for authors 236 Conclusions. Each paragraph should describe respectively, the problem, how the study was performed, the important results and the conclusion from the results. The abstract for review articles, short reports, case reports and surgical techniques need not be in this format. Text: This section includes introduction, methodology, results, discussion and acknowledgement. References: These must be typed double-spaced and numbered consecutively according to their first citation in the text. The referencing should be in accordance with the uniform requirement for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Journal titles should be cited according to the way they appear in the index medicus/medline. • For journals that are not indexed, the full title of should be given. All authors should be listed where they are six or less; if more than six, then list first three, followed by et al, e.g. Ugwu BT, Obekpa PO, Kidmas AT. Acute pancreatitis at Jos University Teaching Hospital. Nigerian Journal of Surgery 1997; 4:58-62. • For Chapter in a book: Ajayi OOA, The breast. In: Badoe EA, Archampong EQ, Jaja MOA (eds). Principles and Practice of Surgery, including Pathology in the Tropics. Ghana Publishing Corporation, Tema, 1986; 415-438. Abstracts, information from manu-scripts not yet accepted or personal communication should not be included in the list of references. It is the author(s) responsibility to ensure that references are properly listed. Manuscripts with incomplete references will be returned and publication delayed. Tables and Illustrations: Tables should be typed double-spaced and numbered in Arabic numerals and have appropriate title. Vertical and horizontal internal lines should be excluded. Only relevant tables should be presented and must not duplicate information already presented in detail in the results section. Illustration should be unmounted glossy prints or professionally drawn. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have appropriate title in pencil on the back. An arrow should indicate the top. Each illustration must be accompanied by a legend, typed on a separate sheet. For photomicrographs, the magnification and staining methods should be indicated. Authors will be requested to make a contribution towards the processing of coloured photographs. It is the responsibility of authors to obtain permission for already published tables or illustrations. Such writ-ten permission should accompany the manuscripts at the time of submission. Electronic Submissions Submission of electronic manuscripts is encouraged by the Journal. Such manuscripts should be on a high quality IBM formatted diskette, should be in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect Programme. A hard copy of the manuscripts and relevant illustrations should accompany the diskette. Authors will be required to submit their manuscripts in electronic form at the time of acceptance of their papers. Units of Measurements All measurements should be expressed in System International (SI) units. Proofs and Reprints Authors will receive galley proofs of their papers to be checked for correction. Such corrections should be limited to typesetting errors only and should be returned within fourteen (14) days so as The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Volume 5 Number 3 – 4, July – December 2003 Information for authors 200 not to delay publication. Reprints are not free. Authors can order for reprints at the time of acceptance of their papers at a cost, which will be indicated at that time. Note: The contents of each published paper are the opinion and responsibility of the author (s). They do not reflect the opinion or policy of the Journal, the Surgical Sciences Research Society, Zaria or the Association of Surgeons of Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Volume 5 Number 3 – 4, July – December 2003

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eISSN: 1595-1103
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