Field trials were conducted at the Irrigation Research Station, Institute for Agricultural Research, Kadawa in the Sudan savanna ecological zone of Nigeria, to study the effect of six levels of boron (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 kg B ha-1) on growth, dry matter yield and nutrient concentration of two tomato varieties (Roma VF and Dandino). The trials were laid out in a randomized complete block design. Application of boron significantly (P<0.05) increased the numbers of leaves and dry matter yield. Nutrient concentrations of potassium and phosphorus in the plant tissue fell within the deficiency range established for tomato plants, while calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese and copper concentrations fell within and iron concentrations above the sufficiency nutrient range. Significant correlation existed between growth, yield parameters and nutrient concentrations and also among the nutrient concentrations. Plants treated with 2 kg B ha-1 recorded the maximum number of leaves and dry matter yield in both years. Dandino variety recorded more number of leaves, and higher dry matter yields than Roma VF variety.
Key words: Irrigated tomatoes, boron fertilizer, growth, nutrient concentration, dry matter yield.
Nigerian Journal of Soil Research Vol.5 2004: 62-69