Manuscripts of unpublished original contributions to knowledge should be submitted for consideration. Submission of an article implies that the consents of all the co-authors, if any, have been obtained. Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted and accompanied with the processing charges of N1000.00/10 US Dollars for contributors from Nigeria and outside Nigeria respectively to
The Editor-In-Chief,
Nigerian Journal of Soil Research
Department of Soil Science
Faculty of Agriculture/Institute for Agricultural Research
Ahmadu Bello University, PMB1044,
Zaria, Nigeria.
Preparation of Manuscripts: All manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced on standard size A4 paper on one side of the paper only. Left, right, upper and lower margins should be 2.5 cm, Times Roman 14 pt bold should be used for the title and Times Roman 12 pt for the rest of the text. Maximum length of pages should be 20 including Tables and figures.
Organization and Order of Manuscripts: As much as possible the following arrangement should be adhered to:
Title, Authors, Addresses, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, References, Tables, Figures (as appropriate).
Units and Spelling: Use Oxford English spellings. Please use – ize endings rather than –ise (but note analyse). Use SI and metric units throughout. Always use figures where a units is give (e.g. 7 ml) and leave a space between the numbers and unts, e.g. (150 ha, kg m-1 not kg/m).
References Style: Cite references using the Harvard system. The references should be comprehensive to indicate of all authors, year of publication, title of article in full, journal name in full, volume and pages, publisher (as appropriate). In the text articles should be cited as Mohammed (1996) or Mohammed, 1996) or (Bello, 1996; Adamu, 1999) and Mohammed et al, (1996) or (Mohammed et al, 1996).
Unpublished data, reports, or research may be cited in the text listing the author's name – for example (A.B. Bello, unpub. Data) – but should not appears in the references section.
Preparation of Figures: Author should supply legible, original, camera quality illustrations. The size of illustrations should not exceed ca 21 x 30 cm, and the lettering must be adequately bold to guarantee legible reproduction, after reduction. Each figure must be clearly labeled on the back with the figure number and name(s) of the author
Title: Each table should be typed on a separate page, numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and headed with a brief main title (less than 15 words)
Copyright Notice
Copyright is owned by Department of Soil Science/IAE
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria