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Effects of adopting Internet of Things (Iot) based smart waste bin in Nigeria: A review of scholars positions
The present inherent hurdles to optimising the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Nigerian economy include maintenance and deployment costs, reluctance to change, technological infrastructure, and connection. In order to meet the urgent demand for creative waste management solutions, this study intends to investigate the effects of implementing IoT-based smart garbage bins in Nigeria. The basis for this quasiexperimental study was replies gathered from scholarly publications in the topic by researchers using a Likert scale. The results show that academics are unified in their support of the use of IoT in waste management, pointing to its potential to lower costs, increase efficiency, lessen environmental risks, and create an eco-friendly atmosphere that stimulates economic growth. In line with environmental objectives, scholarly viewpoints also address challenges such as maintenance expenses, technological know-how, residents' adaptation, cybersecurity risks, and incorrect waste disposal. The study suggests that stakeholders, including individuals and government organisations, work together to maintain personal and community cybersecurity, satisfy technology needs, and establish an eco-friendly environment in light of these results. Even if the study's predictions seem bright, further research is still necessary to solve gaps and investigate unexplored areas of IoT-based waste management in Nigeria.