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Religion and Environmental Sustainability in Nigeria

Eric Chinenye Aneke


Humans are notoriously and incurably religious and very gregarious. As they live together in a society, they often exert negative  pressures on the environment. This study conceptualises the following words/expressions: religion, environment, pollution,  environmental degradation, and environmental sustainability. The problem of this study is necessitated by the disheartening negative  pressures human beings exert on their environment in Nigeria. The major thrust of this study includes, among others, to decipher the  ways through which human beings exert negative pressures on their environment. This study is qualitative in nature and uses both  primary and secondary sources of data collection. Among the findings is that a good percentage of Nigerians abuse their environment.  The study recommends, among others, that Nigerians should be educated on how to take good care of their environment and concludes  that very pragmatic, serious and intensive strategies should be mounted to instil on Nigerians good behavioural ethics to the  environment.  

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2277-0186