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Moral challenges of marriage institution in the contemporary Igbo Christian society

Ndidiamaka V. Ugwu
Kanayochukwu M. Okoye
Christian O. Agbo


Marriage is one of the most significant institutions of human society. It is a universal practice for all colours, classes and races. In Igbo traditional society, marriage is an ideal experience for all involved. However, marriage institutions have been seriously threatened, and the norms protecting marriage and its resultant family institutions have declined. Modern ideas, such as the reproduction revolution, same-sex marriage, cohabitation, etc., are challenging long-held beliefs, structures, and values. All these assault on marriage institutions and have profound negative implications on human society. This study evaluates marriage institution's moral challenges and their impact on society. It further explores the causes of marriage breakdown in Igbo society. The research method adopted for this is the phenomenological qualitative method. The study observed that modernity and civilisation have filtered into the traditional family system of Igbo society and have affected the morality and decorum of Igbo society. The research study recommends, among other things, the need for re-orientation of the Igbo values, as many have lost the cherished values that used to be the reference point for good conduct.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2277-0186