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Paul’s philosophy of taking a little wine in 1Timothy 5:23 and drug abuse among Nigerian youth


Studies have shown that misconceptions of taking alcoholic wine, harmful substances and drug abuse among Nigeria youths have reached an alarming rate. Most young people are addicted to taking harmful substance as a routine. Drugs are good, though with minimal side effects when recommended by a medical practitioner to patients. It was discovered that drug abuse has plugged the youths of Nigeria into various criminal acts and unruly behaviour It is against this backdrop that the researcher employed the interpretation of Paul’s philosophy of taking a little wine in 1 Tim 5:23 and proffer strategies that could curb drug abuse among youths in Nigeria. It discovered that Paul’s admonishment does not encourage drug abuse. The study found out that the family, government, religious organizations, various non-governmental organisations, peer groups, and youth forums have major roles to play in ameliorating the effects of drug abuse among the youths. The study recommended and concluded that Nigerian youths should be made to understand that drugs are meant to be taken as medicine especially with prescription. This is in line with Paul’s admonishment in 1 Tim 5:23 take a little wine for your ailment. 

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print ISSN: 2277-0186