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Beyond Presumption: proof of Olódùmarè’s Existence Using Afẹ́fẹ́ (Air), Ilẹ̀ (Soil) and Omi (Water) among the Yoruba


The study of the religion of the Yoruba, discusses key religious concepts based on presumed existence of Olódùmarè (God). Such discussions do not ask whether Olódùmarè exists or how he came to be. Discussion around the existence of Olódùmarè is built on His attributes. This study, examines three elements of nature – aféfé ̣ (air), ilè ̣(soil), and omi (water) in the belief of the Yoruba, and how these serve as proofs for the existence of Olódùmarè. This is a bottom-up approach, it engages what is seen, felt and known to prove the existence of what is unseen and unknown from the lens of Yoruba worldview. The content of Ifá corpus was examined to highlight the nature of these three elements. Data were analysed to prove Olódùmarè’s existence. This study provides the presumed attributes of Olódùmarè as found in the three elements to show that natural elements share the nature that must have been provided by God who is the source of these characteristics.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2277-0186