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Matthew 25:31-46 in the context of the needy and poor in Nigeria

Kalu Okechukwu Okore
Lumanze Obedben Mmesomachukwu


During his earthly ministry, Jesus used many parables or stories to relate spiritual principles to the people especially his disciples. He often emphasized the need to love people, care for the needy, forgive, lay up our treasures in heaven, and so on. Poverty is a universal phenomenon that is visible in almost every region of the world especially in the so-called “third world” countries. From all indications, it remained an endemic problem in the Nigerian society, and there is the need to tackle it. This paper, using literary-critical method of Biblical studies, argues that since Christian responsibility cuts across every sphere of human endeavor, there is the need for the church in Nigeria to do more in enhancing the socio-economic well-being of the citizenry. Findings reveal that some Pentateuchal laws and Jesus’ teachings (cf. Matthew 25:31-41), prove that Christian responsibility to the poor has Biblical foundation. The paper recommends that Preachers should practically model altruism and generosity to their audience and that churches should regularly organize seminars on economic empowerment for their members.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2277-0186