Instruction to authors The Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery is the official Journal of the Nigerian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and also of the Nigerian Burn Society. Its object is to publish original articles about developments in all areas related to plastic and reconstructive surgery as well to burn trauma and to provide a forum for correspondence, information and discussion. It is a peer review journal. All correspondence should be sent to O.M. Oluwatosin, Editor NJPS Presentation of Manuscripts Authors should send a copy of the article by e mail in the first instance. Such should be in form of a word document sent as an attachment to your letter of correspondence which should attest to originality of the paper and the fact that it has not been sent simultaneously elsewhere for publication. Subsequently, if necessary, two copies of the manuscript with two sets of illustrations may be requested. Failure to submit papers in accordance with the format detailed below may result in the return of the manuscript for correction before it is sent out for review. All copies must be typewritten, double spaced, including text, bibliographies, figure legends and tables. A margin of at least 2.5 cm all round should be allowed in each page. All pages should be numbered. The Journal operates a double-blind peer-review system. For this reason author details should not be used as a footnote or running head on each page of the document or as a means of labeling illustrations. Papers should be set with each section beginning on a separate page: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgements, references, author details, tables, and captions to illustrations. Title Page The title page should give the following information: (1) title of the article, (2) initials and name of each author, (3) name and address of the department or institution to which the work should be attributed, (4) the name and address (including the e mail address) of the author responsible for editorial correspondence and (5) details of any meeting at which the work was presented wholly or in part. Abstract This should consist of not more than 250 words. It should be in four sections: the background and purposes of the study, the subjects studied and the methods used, the main findings (including specific data and statistical analysis) and the conclusions. Four to six appropriate keywords should be provided at the end of the abstract. Text Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. Research papers should usually be split into sections under the headings: Introduction, Materials/Patients and Methods, Results and discussion. Other headings may be appropriate depending on the nature of the paper, and the proper use of headings enhances clarity and readability. Normally only two categories of headings should be used, which should be clearly distinguished. Tables Each table must be cited in the text. These should be double spaced on separate pages and contain only horizontal rules. They should not be submitted as photographs. A short descriptive title should appear above each table and any footnotes, suitably identified, below. All units should be included in the table. Acknowledgements May be placed at the end of the main text and before the references. You may acknowledge technical help in carrying out a study but not in preparation of a manuscript. Give details of any funding or other support for the study. The Authors At the end of the manuscript, the following information should be provided: 1) Full name of each author, followed by degree(s) and or fellowships and posts held, e.g. Consultant Plastic Surgeon. 2) Full address of each author. 3) Name, address, and telephone number of the author who will be responsible for correspondence after publication and to whom requests for offprint should be sent. Illustrations Should be sent as another attachment separate from the main document in the first instance. Such may either be a word document or a bitmap or jpeg image, which may be scanned from the original illustration. Authors who have difficulty in submitting illustrations in this form may send such as a hard copy by post. If subsequently required, two copies of each illustration may be sent along with the main document. Legends are required for illustrations and should be typed on a separate page of the main document. All illustrations should be referred to as figures and should be numbered in a single sequence. Photographic Illustrations and Radiographs Photographs must be in sharp focus with good contrast and should not be altered or retouched in any way. Pictures should be sent as an attachment separate from the main document. To facilitate sending pictures as e-mail attachment the image may be sent in jpeg format. However if author considers details might be lost other formats may be utilized either sent by e-mail or in a separate CD. ‘Before’ and ‘after’ photographs of patients should be standardized in terms of size, position and lighting. Clear, lightly contrasted black and white prints are acceptable but colour photographs are encouraged and significantly enhance the presentation of clinical cases and results. Extra charge however will be paid by the author for processing such colour images. Provide scale bars on photomicrographs rather than stating the magnification in the legend. If required, that is in documents sent not by e mail, all illustrations should be clearly marked by a label pasted on the back or by a soft pencil with the abbreviated paper title, figure, number and the top of the figure indicated by an arrow. Do not use ink or paper clips on photographs. References It is not necessary to quote each and every historical reference unless there is a specific point to be made. References derived from computer literature searches should not be cited unless they have been read and contribute specifically to the discussion. Twenty-five appropriate references suffice for most publications. References should be cited in the text by Arabic superscripts, e.g. 1,2 or 1-4 as written. The reference list should be in numerical order on a separate page in double spacing. Include author’s names and initials. If there are more than six authors list only the first three and add “et al”. Journal titles may be abbreviated using Index Medicus abbreviations. Set out references as in the following examples: 1. Gana J.Y, Olawoye O.A, Ademola S.A, Ndili O. Complications of Free Tissue Transfer. The Ibadan Surgeon 2002; 28: 4 – 14. 2. Laxenaire A Levy J Blanchard P Lerondeau JC Tesnier F Scheffer P. Silastic implants and reconstruction of orbital floor: a review of 20 years experience (French). Annals de Chirurgie Plastique et esthetique 1996; 41: 631-638. 3. Ladipo JK. Laparoscopic Surgery. In: Badoe EA, Archampong EQ and da Rocha¬-Afodu JT, eds. Principles and Practice of Surgery including Pathology in the Tropics, 3rd edition. Tema, Ghana: Ghana Publishing Corporation Publishers; 514 pages. Page Proofs Page proofs are sent to the author for checking. The proofs, with any minor corrections, must be returned within 7 days of receipt. Offprints Offprints are supplied to the author to whom offprint requests are to be made. An offprint order form will be sent to the author with the page proofs. The Association at its last AGM recommended that a token fee be paid to help offset cost of printing of journal as well as cover cost of offprints.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-9316
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