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Effect Of Nicotine Administration On Weight And Histology Of Some Vital Visceral Organs In Female Albino Rats
respectively. Six rats from each group were killed by cervical dissociation after 30 and 60 days treatment. The ovary, uterus, brain, kidney, heart, adrenal, pituitary and the liver were removed weighed and histological study carried out. Weights of the ovary, kidney, pituitary and uterus were significantly reduced (P< 0.05) following nicotine treatment while weights of the heart and liver increased with 60days treatment with the appearance of
cartilaginous cells in the heart and deposition of adipose around the portal vein in the liver. Necrosis, congestion, fibrosis, follicular and endometrial degeneration were observed in the brain, pituitary, kidney, ovary and uterus respectively. No significant difference between the weekly growth rates in nicotine treated (5.13 ± .29) and control (5.25 ± 0.18) animals. Nicotine has deleterious effects on some vital visceral organs with observations similar to those reported in women smokers.