A study was conducted in order to standardize the hydro-alcoholic leaf extract of Anogeissus leiocarpus by investigating its moisture content, phytochemical constituents, acute toxicity effects, water and ethanol soluble extractives and its effect on smooth muscles. The moisture content was 7.43±0.16%. The phytochemical tests revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, and alkaloids. The LD50 was 346.4 mg/Kg body weight. The ethanol and water soluble extractives were 12.70 and 8.12% respectively. The extract showed relaxation effect on rat duodenum and uterus.
Keywords: Anogeissus leiocarpus; acute toxicity; preliminary standardization
Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 9 No 2 pp. 95 – 102 (September 2011)