The success of use of emergency contraception (EC) is dependent on the awareness, knowledge, attitude and practices of pharmacists’ as custodian of drugs. This study aims to assess qualitatively, Ogun state pharmacists’ knowledge and practices of EC. Semi structured interviews lasting 20-30mins were conducted among 12 key informants from various pharmacy practice areas. Questions were asked on their knowledge and practices of EC. Interviews yielded qualitative data that were coded and categorized into themes. Key informants had a range of 5-29 years practice experience, were a mixture of males and females and of different religious background. All key informants were aware of EC and their major source of information was through reading of drug literature, textbooks and journals. A number of themes emerged : suboptimal knowledge, inaccurate information, right timing and efficacy, fake drugs/ban of ‘positron’, abuse/misuse of EC, concerns about EC, acceptability of prescribing/counselling on EC, comfort while counselling, access to pharmacist, conditions to prescribe, religion and recommending EC. This study showed suboptimal knowledge level and practices on emergency contraception. Further quantitative study is required to further authenticate results obtained.
Keywords: Pharmacists, Emergency Contraception
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 9 No 2 pp. 25 - 33 (Sep 2011)