Young people are of particular interest when considering the way out of HIV/AIDS pandemic. We undertook a study to assess if there is any difference in HIV/AIDS related knowledge and sexual behavior between male and female youths in this regard. The survey was cross-sectional covering five secondary schools in Benin City, Edo State. A total of 972 secondary school students 505 (52.0%) males and 467 (48.0%) females participated in the survey. About 77% of the males and 88% of the females were between 15-19 years old. (Mean age for males, 16.8±1.3 , Mean age for females 16.7±1.1 ). The main source of information about HIV/AIDS was the television (68.5% male, 74.3% females). On the cause of HIV/AIDS, 78.5% male and 80.7% female respondents had accurate knowledge. While 63.8% males had misconception that HIV/AIDS can’t be transmitted from mother to child, 60% females indicated same. On sharing shaver blade, 56% males and 50.5% females had misconceptions. Between the ages of 10 – 14 years, 13.7% males admitted having had sex as against 3.0% females with 6.0% males and 3.0% females indicated being forced by their sexual partners. While 13.1% males and 5.1% females indicated condom use during sex, 11.6% females and 5.5% males had between 1 – 3 sexual partners. Although the data of the female respondents showed slightly higher knowledge as compared to that of the males, their overall HIV/AIDS knowledge was not encouraging. Also their sexual behavior encourages the spread of the disease. There is a great need to intensify HIV/AIDS education among our youths.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS knowledge, gender, youths
Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 9 No 2 pp. 13 - 24