Essential drugs program is invaluable in cost-effective healthcare, especially in resource limited settings. It ensures the availability of limited range of affordable, effective and rational drugs to meet basic health needs of the population. An evaluation of access to essential drugs was carried out in a rural community in Bayelsa State using descriptive statistics. The primary health care facility stocked essential [36%] and branded [30%] drugs. The availabilities of anti-malarials, antibiotics and hematinics were 33%, 30%, 33% respectively. About 60% and 51% of the respondents had been advised to buy antibiotics and antimalarials respectively from outside the primary health care facility. There was low patronage by the community due to non availability of drugs [61%], unfriendly staff attitudes [22%), inability of staff to provide healthy life-style education [30%], low drug information including compliance [40%], and inability to afford the drugs [45%]. Concerted efforts must be made by governments to ensure availability of life-saving and health-promoting essential drugs. Training and improvement of work environment and drug supply systems of the health facility will change the attitude of staff especially the line--personnel. Affordability can be improved through community participation especially in this period of low public health budgets.
Kewords: Essential drugs, access, and rural community
Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 8 No 1 pp. 198 - 202 (September 2010)