K Mshelbwala
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria
JE Ojile
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria
E Kanayo
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria
Comparison between the Wet Granulation and Dry Granulation by Pelletization Methods of Powdered Leaves of Andrographis paniculata. Aim: To produce acceptable tablets from powdered leaves of Andrographis paniculata (AP) used as an anti hypertensive herbs. AP is a perennial plant called “King of Bitters”. It is a member of the plant family Acanthaceae, which has been used for centuries in Asia. The Herbarium member is NIPRB/H/5558. A P is used as an anti hypertensive by the natives in Adamawa State. Scientifically this fact was substantiated by Zhang et al 1997 and Mshelbwala et al 1998. Comparison was made by formulating the crude powdered leaves into tablet by Wet granulation method as against dry granulation by Pelletization. Wet Granulation Method: Fresh leaves of A P was plucked and dried at 40oC for 24 hours, and it was micronised using a blender and passed through 250μm sieve. The powder was used to formulate 200mg tablets containing 150mg active ingredient of A P. Maize starch was used as a disintegrant. Dry Pelletization Method: Three different disintegrants were used for each set of pellets (Avicel) PGS and (PGS≤75μM). For each disintegrant pellet of 2.5g were compacted at 5, 10, 15 and 20 metric tonne. The pellets were communited and passed through 1.7mm sieve. After the granules analysis. Appropriate amount of lubricant were mixed with the granules. The tablets were compressed at 7 metric tonne pressure using 8.0 mm punch and die set. The results showed that pharmaceutically accepted tablets could be formulated from both wet and dry granulation by pelletization. But the wet granulation method produced tablets of more acceptable physical parameter as compared with the (PGS≤75μM).
Nig. J. Pharm. Res. 3(1) 2004: 61-65