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Severe iron deficiency anaemia in a 37-year-old with HBSC disease: a case report and review of literature.
Clinical note of the patient was retrieved for relevant information. The date of first contact with health facility, and subsequent follow-up clinical status was noted. The steady state blood counts, the clinical and laboratory findings at presentation of severe IDA was reviewed. Result: The patient runs a mild disease and was haemoglobin SC. The severe IDA was precipitated by ascaris lumbricoides infestation. This
necessitated packed cell transfusion for the first time ever in this patient. Conclusion: There should be a high index of suspicion for worm infestations in previously untransfused SCD patients presenting with severe anaemia. The role of
iron-deficient state in sickle cell disease amelioration needs further evaluation.
Key words: sickle cell disease, iron deficiency, worm infestation.