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measurements and analysis of some meteorological elements in Uturu, Nigeria
March, and July using whirling psychrometer to determine the dry air temperature and wet air temperature. In all, four readings were taken each day and the mean calculated. The mean depression for each day was calculated. The relative humidity, dew point, and vapour pressure
were obtained using psychrometric table and the Blundell Harling humidity slide rule. The results o obtained showed mean monthly dry air temperature values of 31.3°C, 30.9°C, and 27.7 C, the mean monthly relative humidity values of 52%, 58%, and 75%, mean monthly dew point values of 19.4°C, 22.1°C, and 2.3.7°C and mean monthly vapour pressure values of 26.1mbs, 27.3mbs, and 28.0mbs for the months of February, March and July, respectively, representing the harmattan, dry and wet seasons, respectively. Result further showed that in July, the air is close to saturation due to the high value of the relative humidity, dew point, and vapour pressure unlike in February where they are low because of the effect of harmattan dust and March because of the readiness of
the air to absorb more moisture.