Malaria is a world- wide public health concern and it affects a lot of lives. In Nigeria, available evidence indicates that malaria, which is highly endemic, remains a major public health problem [1]. It is the most common cause of hospital attendance in all age groups especially pregnant women and under-5 year old children [2]. Every year, about 10,000 women die as a result of malaria or other complications which arise when not treated. Even in Osogbo, a town in the Southwestern part of Nigeria, it has been observed that the prevalence of use of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) amongst pregnant women in these parts is very low. However, studies conducted in several parts of Nigeria including Southwestern Nigeria showed very low usage of ITNs amongst pregnant women and their under- 5 aged children. The objective of this study was to identify the factors influencing the use of insecticide-treated nets amongst pregnant women between ages 15-49 in Osogbo Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study and instrument used was a semi-structured questionnaire. Factors identified to be related to ITN use are age group, religion, educational status, knowledge of malaria preventive measures amongst several others. Overall, majority of the respondents had good knowledge of malaria transmission route (82.5%) and preventive measures (57.1%), although their prevalence of use was still relatively low (21.2%) in Olorunda LG, Osogbo, Osun state. Therefore, efforts should be intensified in providing more comprehensive health education at antenatal clinics, advertising ITN and distributing/making it readily accessible to individuals living in both the urban and rural areas of Osogbo, Osun state.
Keywords: Hospital attendance, pregnant women, complications, insecticide-treated bed nets and under- 5 aged children
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 33 [2] September 2012, pp. 209-216