The study was conducted to determine the concurrent prevalence of Ascaridia numida and Heterakis gallinarum and their possible effects on haematological parameters. The intestinal tracts of 200 slaughtered guinea fowls comprising both sexes (100 each) were examined for Ascaridia numida and Heterakis gallinarum using direct worm count and floatation techniques. Blood samples from the same fowls were also collected and analyzed for PCV (%), RBC, Hb and differential white cell count using established standard procedures. Results from the study reveal a concurrent prevalence of 45.5%. Respective prevalence was in the order Ascaridia numida 56.05% and Heterakis gallinarum 43.90%. No significant difference was observed between the sexes. Results of blood analysis reveal a mean PCV, RBC and Hb of 30.1%, 2.11 x 1012mm and 8.9g/dm3 in the infected fowls. In the noninfected animals, the respective values of these parameters were 35.3%, 2.13 x 1012mm and 9.2g/dm3. Statistical square analysis indicated an association (p< 0.05) in the PCV of infected and non-infected birds. The other parameters did not show any association between the infected and noninfected fowls (p > 0.05). Strict sanitation, coupled with deworming could go a long way in curtailing the spread of gastrointestinal parasites.
Keywords: Ascaridia numida and Heterakis gallinarum, PCV, Blood samples
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 33 [2] September 2012, pp. 185-189