The prevalence and pathological effects of gastrointestinal helminth parasites on Clarias gariepinus and Synodontis from Lekki Lagoon was investigated. Sampling was carried out between July and December 2006. Prevalence of helminth parasites of 68.57% and 69.70% was recorded for S. clarias and C. gariepinus respectively. In Synodontis clarias, two nematodes, Procamallanus and Raphidascaroides and the Caryophyllidean cestodes, Wenyonia sp were recovered from the intestine of the fish host. In Clarias gariepinus, a nematode, Procamallanus sp. Wenyonia sp, and a pleurocercoid larva were also recovered from the infected intestine. There was a high intensity of parasitic infections in Synodontis clarias than in Clarias gariepinus. There was no acanthocephalan or trematode infections in the fish hosts. There was no association between helminth infection among male and females of S. clarias and C. gariepinus. Only cestodes and nematode were found in the intestine.
Keywords: Synodontis, Procamallanus, Wenyonia sp, Caryophyllidean cestodes and Raphidascaroides
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 33 [1] March 2012, pp. 49-53