A total of 234 male prisoners from Jos Prison had their blood samples collected and screened for antibodies against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) types I and II using Determine and Stat-pak. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors for HIV/AIDS among male inmates in Jos Prison, Plateau State. Percentage response to questionnaire and blood collection was 83.3%. The Seroprevalence of HIV antibodies was 17/234 (7%) of the 234 male prisoners screened. It was only one (0.4%) of the prisoners that practiced homosexuality in prison. The age 26-45 years were mostly affected constituting 56%. Seroprevalence among the prisoners (7%) was higher than the National median prevalence of HIV infection among pregnant women in year 2006 survey. This suggests the possibility of the following risk factors. Sharing of sharp objects, homosexuality and multiple sex partners during confinement.
Keywords: Seroprevalence, prisoners, antibodies, homosexuality and confinement
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 32 [2] September 2011, pp.181-186