Baseline survey of indoor adult malaria vectors using Pyrethrum Spray Collection (PSC) technique was conducted in Awka-Etiti, Anambra State, southeast Nigeria in 2010. Also, the level of usage and challenges to the use of long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINS) were studied one year after free distribution of LLINs to households (HHs). A total of 70 rooms in 70 households in 7 villages of Awka-Etiti were sampled. Also, 100 HHs were sampled on the use of LLINs. The result showed that 84 adult indoor mosquitoes, belonging to 3 genera and 4 species, were identified. These were Anopheles gambiae 50.0%, Anopheles funestus 35.7%, Culex quinquefasciatus 9.5%) and Aedes aegypti 6.0%. Of all the mosquitoes collected, 65.5% were females. The mosquito indoor resting density was determined to be 1.2 while Anopheles indoor resting density was approximately 1.0. On the use of LLINs, the percentage level of any usage of LLINs was 52.0%, while the percentage that slept under LLINs every night was 42.3%. Challenges to the use of LLINs were heat, 41.6%, phobia 29.1% (14/48), lack of protection, 16.7%, and not effective, 12.5%.
Keywords: malaria, Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Awka-Etiti
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 32 [2] September 2011, pp.163-167