A cross sectional analysis of HIV patients in the tropics revealed diarrhea as a common episode. Under the identified limitations, the result from the current study was in accordance with those from other tropical countries. Of the three hundred (300) diarrheal patients, between the ages of 14 and 45yrs, sampled from three (3) health centres in Yola metropolis, within seven (7) months period, 106 (35.30%) were HIV positive while 194 (64.70%) were negative. Irrespective of their HIV status, 30 (10%) had intestinal protozoan infection, out of which 13 (4.33%) were positive and 17 (5.70%) were negative for HIV infection. Analysis with X2 showed no relationship between intestinal protozoan infection, parasite intensity as well as single and multiple coinfections of parasites with HIV status. However, this finding has implications in the level of parasite infection in the study area. Parasite control should therefore not be tagged to the HIV status or HIV control but should be pursued as a distinct service, which could be integrated to other disease control activities such as HIV/AIDS campaigns. The incriminated protozoan parasites were Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolitica, Trichomonas hominis and Entamoeba coli. Helminthes parasites were mainly present in HIV negative patients who constituted the control group. Potential risk factors for intestinal parasite infection revealed that though occupation played significant role, age and sex were not related to parasite infection.
Keywords: Intestinal protozoan infection, Diarrhea, Parasite Intensity, Giardia lamblia and hominis
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 32 [1] March 2011, pp.49-54