This study was carried out between the months of July 2005 and August 2007, in all the 44 Local Government Areas of Kano State. A total of 6,600 urine samples were examined for Schistosoma heamatobium infection. Of these numbers - 2,820(42.7%) were infected. Out of the 44 Local Government Areas of Kano State, Nigeria, the highest prevalence of 64.0% was recorded in Kura Local Government Area and the least, 18.0 % was observed in Dawakin Tofa Local Government Area. A higher prevalence 48.0% was recorded in males, than in females 29.7%. Among the infected respondents, 52.7% indicated a high level of water contact activities, while 32.4% did not. Only 36.3% of the infected individuals showed high micro heamaturia value. The distribution of Schistosoma heamatobium infection by previous infection exposure of individuals examined was 36.5%. Treatment practices recorded included the use of orthodox medicine (35.1%) and traditional medicine (64.8%). Of the 6,600 respondents interviewed for their knowledge of the disease, 69.2% had knowledge of the disease while 30.7% did not. The implication of these findings, with a view to implement proper planning and control management of the disease, is discussed.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Schistosoma heamatobium, infected respondents, Water contact and Micro-haematuria
Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, Vol. 32 [1] March 2011, pp.19-24