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Rapid assessment of loiasis endemicity in northern Edo State, Nigeria
a recognized entity in some of the villages surveyed. In the villages where the vector, Chrysops spp. could be recognized upon description, the local names for the flies was also provided. A total of 1514 persons were interviewed according to RAPLOA guidelines; 794 from Akoko Edo LGA and 720 from Etsako East LGA. The age of the respondents in Akoko-Edo ranged from 15- 95 years (mean, 40±19.9) while in Etsako East the respondents’ age ranged from 15 to 90 years (mean, 37.5±18.5). The overall prevalence of eye worm in Akoko-Edo LGA was 3.9% and 5.3% in Etsako East LGA while the rates recorded in communities surveyed ranged from 0–21.3%. The prevalence of eye worm increased with age in both LGAs and prevalence of the disease was found to be slightly higher amongst males in both LGAs. From the results obtained in this survey, none of the communities investigated is at risk of Loa loa related adverse reactions. Ivermectin distribution in these CDTI communities should
therefore be continued.